
Top companies that use the Node.Js platform

Node.js is a popular and versatile platform for building web applications. It’s a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine, allowing developers to use JavaScript on the server side. Because of this, it has become a go-to choice for many companies looking to build high-performing, scalable web applications. 

In this blog post, we will look at some of the top websites built on the Node.js platform. From streaming services to ride-hailing apps and social networks to online marketplaces, we will see how Node.js is powering some of the internet’s biggest and most popular websites today. Whether you’re a developer, a business owner, or just someone curious about the technology, this post will give you an idea of the capabilities of Node.js and the types of applications it can be used to build.


PayPal is a widely-used online payment platform that enables users to send and receive money, make online purchases, and complete various other financial transactions. To power its web and mobile applications, PayPal utilizes Node.js. It allows PayPal to handle a large number of concurrent connections and perform real-time processing of transactions. This is made possible by the event-driven, non-blocking I/O model of Node.js, which allows the server to handle multiple requests simultaneously without requiring dedicated threads for each request. This enables PayPal to take many concurrent connections without the added overhead of managing multiple lines, resulting in improved performance and scalability.


Since Node.Js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, it is well-suited for real-time, high-performance applications like streaming video. Netflix uses Node.js to build its server-side web applications, which allows them to handle many concurrent users and stream video content seamlessly. Node.js also provides Netflix with a common language for both client and server-side development, making it easier to maintain and scale their application.


Uber, the leading ride-hailing company, utilizes Node.js to develop its web and mobile applications. Node.js is a commonly used runtime for server-side development, making it an ideal choice for Uber’s real-time, high-performance platform. It enables Uber to handle a large number of real-time connections between drivers and riders, as well as process payments in a fast and secure manner. This ensures a seamless experience for both drivers and riders.


LinkedIn is the leading professional networking platform that connects individuals and companies. It is ideal for individuals looking to advance their careers and companies seeking competitive candidates for open positions. In 2011, LinkedIn switched from Ruby on Rails to Node.js to optimize its mobile app. The entire mobile app is now written in Node.js, allowing them to reduce server resources and run the app 20 times faster than before. HTML5 was also a significant factor in developing LinkedIn’s mobile app. This transition has enabled LinkedIn to provide a better user experience by providing faster and more efficient performance.


Trello is a widely used project management tool that lets businesses organize and track their projects and ideas using virtual boards. The intuitive interface of Trello allows users to view the status of tasks, assignees and the stage of development of a project all in one place, making it easy to stay on top of the progress and collaborate with team members. 

On the server side, Trello employs Node.js to build its web and mobile applications. Node.js is important for Trello’s real-time updates, as it can handle many concurrent connections. Additionally, the Trello team values the wide range of libraries available in Node.js and its functionality for single-page applications. This allows them to provide a seamless experience for its users with real-time updates and efficient performance.


Walmart is a leading American retail company that operates a vast network of grocery and department stores globally. The company utilizes Node.js in developing its web and mobile applications, specifically for the user interfaces and as an orchestration layer for creating Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for its various apps. The orchestration layer enables developers to integrate multiple applications or services, allowing Walmart app users to access several distinct functions through a single platform, providing a seamless and integrated experience.


NASA, also known as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, is a United States government-sponsored department responsible for space research and exploration. The organization leverages the microservices feature of Node.js in its application development. Microservices allow developers to approach software development by breaking it down into a collection of small services rather than a singular unit. This feature has enabled NASA to move its enterprise to the cloud. This approach simplifies the application’s maintenance and scalability and facilitates the integration of third-party services.


Node.js is a powerful and versatile technology that is used by some of the world’s top companies to build high-performance, real-time web and mobile applications. It is a popular choice for companies looking to move their enterprises to the cloud, thanks to its support for microservices and orchestration.

If you’re planning to build your business website or app using Node.Js, finding a skilled and experienced Node.Js developer can be a critical step in achieving your goals. MyTalents can assist you in finding the perfect developer who fits your specific requirements and expectations. We provide top-notch Node.js developers to businesses in need of expert development solutions. Contact MyTalents today to discuss your project and find the perfect Node.js developer for your team.

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