
How to Hire an Angular developer?

The recent changes in web development can be credited to the increasing demands of customers and the corresponding shift towards a customer-centric approach by businesses. This has led to fierce competition among web technologies, with only the most efficient ones able to thrive. Angular has proven its worth and established itself as a popular choice among businesses and developers. The need for practical solutions has never been greater, and Angular has successfully met these needs.

When hiring an Angular developer, it’s important to understand the skills and qualifications necessary for the job. Angular is a popular JavaScript framework used for building complex and high-performance web applications, so it’s crucial to find a developer who is well-versed in both Angular and JavaScript.

Difference between Angular & Angular.js developers

Before hiring an Angular software developer, it is important to understand the key differences between Angular and AngularJS technologies to prevent any potential misunderstandings. This knowledge will serve as a foundation for identifying the right candidate for your project. 

Angular and Angular.js (also known as Angular 1) are both JavaScript frameworks for building web applications, but they are different in several ways.

  1. Architecture: Angular uses a component-based architecture, while Angular.js uses a directive-based architecture.
  2. Language: Angular is written in TypeScript, while Angular.js is written in JavaScript.
  3. Dependency injection: Angular uses a powerful and efficient dependency injection system, while Angular.js has a basic and limited dependency injection system.
  4. Mobile support: Angular has better support for building mobile apps, while Angular.js is focused on building web apps.
  5. Development approach: Angular follows a more modern development approach, while Angular.js follows a more traditional approach.

It’s important to remember that experienced developers with Angular.js may need to learn new concepts and techniques when working with Angular, and vice versa.

Step-by-step guide on hiring Angular developers

  1. Define the role: 

Clearly define the role and responsibilities of the Angular developer you are looking to hire. This includes the required skills and experience and the specific project or projects they will be working on.

To hire an Angular developer, consider the following:

  • Project type and scale
  • Number of developers needed
  • The time frame for the hiring process
  • Budget for hiring
  • Required skills for the product development
  • Availability of a tech-savvy professional to interview candidates

Answering these questions will help you identify the Angular developer you need to hire.

  1. Choose your employment type:
  • Hiring Angular developers can be done through three methods: hiring freelancers, hiring in-house developers, or outsourcing/outstaffing.
  • Freelance programmers offer a large talent pool, flexibility, and a variety of hourly rates but may have security risks, poor code quality, and a mismatch in claimed and real skills. They are suitable for short-term and simple tasks but not large-scale projects.
  • In-house developers provide deep immersion into your project, full control, and direct communication but have high costs, hidden costs, and the need for a constant turnover rate.
  • Outsourcing/outstaffing offers access to skilled developers and domain knowledge, as well as seamless scaling, but may have issues with unreliable vendors, lack of control, and miscommunication. It’s a good option for startups with budget constraints, talent shortages, and vague project requirements.
  1. Search for candidates: 

Look for candidates using various sources such as job boards, professional networking sites, and employee referrals. You can also consider contacting recruiting agencies that specialize in hiring Angular developers.

  1. Review resumes and portfolios: 

Review the resumes and portfolios of the candidates to assess their qualifications and experience. Look for relevant experience in Angular and other related technologies and examples of previous projects they have worked on.

  1. Conduct initial screenings: 

Conduct initial screenings of the candidates by phone or video call to further assess their qualifications and fit for the role. Ask specific questions related to Angular and their previous experience.

  1. Administer technical assessments: 

Administer technical assessments to the shortlisted candidates to evaluate their technical skills in Angular and related technologies. This can include coding challenges, tests, and whiteboard exercises.

  1. Interview: 

During the interview process, evaluating hard skills is important, but it’s not the only aspect to consider. Soft skills also play a crucial role in hiring, usually assessed by HR managers. Even though you are hiring a technical specialist, evaluating their ability to communicate technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders, teamwork, attention to detail, curiosity, problem-solving abilities, and emotional intelligence is important. You can conduct in-person or video interviews with the shortlisted candidates to evaluate their soft skills and cultural fit.

  1. Check references:

When evaluating candidates for an Angular developer role, it is important to check the references provided by the candidates. This step can provide insight into their work ethic, communication skills, and technical abilities. To check references, you can reach out to their past managers, supervisors, or colleagues and ask them about their experience working with the candidate. You can ask about their technical skills, ability to work in a team, and ability to meet deadlines and deliver quality work. It’s also important to verify the information provided by the candidate and the references that the company and the person exist and that the references are not fake.

  1. Make an offer: 

Once you have identified the best candidate for the role, make an offer and finalize the hiring process.


Hiring an Angular developer is crucial for any business looking to build or improve a web application. By thoroughly evaluating the candidate’s technical skills, experience, and communication abilities, you can ensure that you bring on a developer capable of delivering high-quality code and contributing to the success of your project. Hiring an Angular developer is an investment, so take the time to find the right person for the job.

At MyTalents, we understand the importance of hiring the right Angular developer for your project. Our team of experts can help you find the perfect candidate who has the required technical skills and the soft skills to work effectively in your team. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you find the perfect Angular developer for your project.

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