
An essential guide to hiring an Android developer – 10 Skills you must look for while hiring

With 87% of the global OS market in its possession, Android has become a global market leader. This makes it very evident that Android is the best option for any company looking to connect with potential clients. However, company owners require skilled Android developers with industry knowledge if they want to create an Android app with plenty of features. These Android programmers ought to be knowledgeable about current technology and have the necessary abilities to produce top-notch software. However, as a business owner, it can be difficult for you to discover a quality developer for your company. To make things simpler for you, we have created a guide that will assist you in the recruiting process of android developers for your company. So, let’s have a look.

Top 7 skills you should look for when hiring an Android developer

If you’re looking to hire an Android developer, there are a few key skills you’ll want to make sure they have before extending an offer. With the ever-changing landscape of the Android ecosystem, it’s important to find someone who is adaptable and has the willingness to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. 

1. Java Programming Language

Java programming experience is the first skill you will want to look for. It’s important that your prospective hire is comfortable working with Java, the most common language used to develop Android apps. Regardless of their Java expertise, they should at least understand its syntax and be able to pick it up quickly.

2. XML

A good understanding of XML is also important for Android developers. For everything from defining layouts to creating menus, Android developers use XML. Prospective hires without much experience with XML can still learn it on the job, but it will take longer.

3. Android SDK

The Android SDK (software development kit) is a set of tools that are necessary for developing Android apps. It includes a compiler, debugger, and other necessary tools. Any prospective hire should have a strong understanding of the Android SDK and how to use it effectively.

4. Activity Lifecycle

An essential part of any Android app is its activity lifecycle. The activity lifecycle defines how an app behaves when it’s opened, closed, put into the background, etc. It is important that the prospective hire understands the activity lifecycle and can explain it in detail.

5. Fragments

Fragments are a relatively new addition to the Android framework and they’re becoming increasingly popular in modern app development. Android Developers who know fragments will likely be able to start building great apps right away. 

6. Material Design Guidelines

A good understanding of Google’s Material Design guidelines is essential for Android developers. These guidelines define how apps should look and feel on Android devices. Inexperienced candidates may still be able to learn Material Design, but they will likely take longer during application development.

 7. Google Play Services

Android developers should also be familiar with Google Play Services. It allows apps to access Google services like maps, sign-in, and more without including them directly in the app code. Android developers who are familiar with Google Play Services are likely to be more productive and build better apps. 

8. Database Knowledge

Your app will likely need some sort of database for storing data like user accounts or settings. The most common database used for Android apps is SQLite. Make sure your potential developer has experience working with databases and ask them about their experience with SQLite specifically. You should also ask them if they know how to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete). CRUD operations are the basic operations that are performed on data in a database. 

9. Android Studio Experience

Android Studio is the official IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for developing Android apps. It’s what your developers will use to write and test code for your app before it’s deployed onto devices. Your potential developers should have experience using Android Studio and know which features or plugins they prefer.

 10. Testing & Debugging Skills  

Every developer will experience bugs in their code, it’s inevitable! That’s why it’s important that your developers know how to test their code for bugs and fix them when they occur. Ask them about their testing and debugging process, and if they have any examples of previous bugs they have resolved. 


Android has developed a large user base due to its features like a larger user base, easy accessibility, enormous scalability, and a variety of simple-to-use development tools. To rank well in this market, your app needs to work with an effective android developer who can comprehend your needs and can portray them appropriately in your app. To ensure they don’t struggle with the development process, they should possess an in-depth understanding of the Java Programming Language, XML, Android SDK, Activity Lifecycles, Fragments, or Material Design Guidelines. Therefore, find out if an android developer has a firm grasp of these ideas before hiring them.

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